[Coco] missing in cocochat

Bob Devries bdevries at gil.com.au
Tue Nov 9 02:32:27 EST 2004

To all you guys (and lady) who expressed concern that I wasn't appearing in 
my regular spot at the bar in Roger's coco chatroom, I'm sorry, but the 
weather here in Dalby, Queensland has conspired against it.

We seem to have begun a series of violent afternoon electrical 
thunderstorms, which has included much prayed for rain. Since having "lost" 
one ADSL modem to an electrical storm already, I'm not keep to keep the new 
one online during such a storm.

However, I will keep in touch with my friends via email as often as I can.

We need this rain badly, so I'm not giving up with the praying, yet!
Regards, Bob Devries. Dalby, Queensland, Australia.
Faith isn't faith until it's all you're holding on to.

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