[Coco] Updated NitrOS-9 V03.02.01

Boisy G. Pitre boisy at boisypitre.com
Thu May 13 15:48:31 EDT 2004


Due to an assumption in the assembler tool I was using to build 
NitrOS-9, some modules were incorrectly assembled in the latest release 
of NitrOS-9 Level 1.  Upon testing the fix to the problem, I discovered 
another issue in NitrOS-9 Level 1, namely very unreliable operation of 
CCDisk.  This seems to be a driver issue, not a hardware issue.  I've 
since found a new CCDisk driver that has ZERO problems with 
reliability, and have switched over to that driver.  Ultimately, we 
will want to merge CC3Disk and CCDisk into one driver for both Level 
1/Level 2, but that is for another time.

Because of the above changes, I have updated ALL THREE distributions of 
NitrOS-9 at www.nitros9.org.  If you downloaded V03.02.01, PLEASE 
re-obtain these distributions.  The version number is still 03.02.01, 
but the release date has changed to May 14 (from May 01).  Again, if 
you've downloaded NitrOS-9 V03.02.01 and your boot-up banner has a 
release date of May 01, you need to re-download the distributions!  The 
new date in the banner is May 14, and this is the date you should see 
when you boot into NitrOS-9.

Also, Cloud-9 will have all three distributions on 3.5" and 5.25" 
diskette at its fest booth, and these disks will contain the May 14th 
V03.02.01 version.

Sorry for the inconvenience.  I've been working on Cloud-9/Fest related 
issues and this one took me by surprise.


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