[Coco] Re: I'm signing off - 6309 Microprocessor Enhancements

John E. Malmberg wb8tyw at qsl.net
Thu Mar 11 08:51:53 EST 2004

John Collyer wrote:
> I quitting this list as soon as I post this. I got more important things 
> to do then reminisce about a 20+ year old computer system.  There are
> American families hurting big time because of Bush and his
> political and economic war against American Families.

As can be easily seen, this forum is not the place to discus politics in 
general, especially ones that are obviously partisan.

> I can see your simply not one of the thousand of Americans that has 
> either lost or is in danger of losing your lively hood, or has a Son,
> Daughter, Father, or Mother in or going to Iraq!

I have a brother in law in the computer field that is out of work from 
the economic bust.  But there is nothing that either political party has 
done or could have done that appears to have changed or prevented that, 
nor that they can do that will cause him to get hired.

I lived through the 60's and the 70's, and what is going on now is 
nothing compared to what was concerning me then.  The draft to send kids 
off to Viet Nam ended just before I needed to register, and a lot of the 
young people sent there did not come back.  The odds seem much higher of 
survival for the people we are sending over now, but that does not mean 
I am happy about that situation.

I do not have all the answers, if I did, I would not have to work for a 
living now, I would be living off of my investments.

But the emotion you are putting in to this is strong, and indicates that 
you are hurt bad, and need to get some healing.  If you can get that by 
working for your chosen candidate, good luck to you.

But please do not think that anyone that appears to have opposing views 
is evil or insensitive.  There are a lot of shades of gray in politics, 
and many times getting things done is making a choice in the lesser of 
two evils.  And many times the truth is so politically incorrect that 
neither party has the guts to say it because there are too many people 
that do not want to believe it, or will only listen to 1/2 of it, call 
it heresy and never look at the real evidence.

And that last paragraph is for everyone.

I urge people to look what their elected officials are doing with their 
eyes open, and look at the real impact.

And when you do not agree with someone, it may be because you and they 
are not looking at the same set of facts and proof of facts.

wb8tyw at qsl.net
Personal Opinion Only

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