[Coco] OS Vulnerabilities

Neil Morrison neilsmorr at hotpop.com
Tue Mar 2 21:39:42 EST 2004

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Hazelton" <davehazelton at access-4-free.com>

> > I would say that Banks are doing a good job at it.
> Yea, but at the cost of ATM usage fees, checking accounts that cost
> money and savings accounts that earn less than inflation interest
rates  :)

After going through some nasty transfers of data, programming etc., I
commented to a friend who worked in a bank on how impressed I was
that the banks could do this without the screaming screw-ups. He
laughed and told me that when they did their changeovers EVERYONE
came to work on that days and helped to hold the system together,
manually if that's what it took.


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