[Coco] FWD Clifford Redding's search for DS69b software

Dennis Bathory-Kitsz bathory at maltedmedia.com
Thu Mar 18 22:26:55 EST 2004

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>From: AMODMO at aol.com
>Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 22:20:09 EST
>Subject: Clifford Redding's search for DS69b software
>To: Bathory at maltedmedia.com
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>I seem to have lost my DS69b Digiscan, but I have what you may be looking
>for (I'm not sure): TRANDIGI.BAS and TRANSLAT.BAS. The TRANSLAT program is
>supposed to translate pictures from Digiscan to create CM3 files (Cocomax
>3). The TRANSLAT.BAS program was by Colin North. I don't know who wrote the
>TRANDIGI.BAS program. One of them was written by Dave Stampe and copyright
>(C) 1987 by Colorware. I tried replying directly to Clifford Redding but my
>message was rejected as not deliverable. If this may be what he is loking
>for I'd be glad to make a copy. Dave Otis. 

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