[Coco] Paypal Email

Roger Taylor rtaylor at bayou.com
Thu Jul 29 23:04:46 EDT 2004

At 05:39 PM 7/29/2004, you wrote:
>WOW!  A $50 settlement per claimant.  Some folks are just lucky.
>Reminds me of the notice I got from Verizon, where they settled a class 
>action.  Got a $30 rebate coupon coming.  'Course I did read farther in 
>the settlement, where it says the attorney(s) get $1000 per claimant as 
>their fee.  Good old American entrepreneurship at work!

I won a small chunk last year from some class act suit brought on a company 
I was once a customer of.  I just got a letter in the mail one day saying 
to respond if I wanted to be part of the ordeal but I would have to do 
nothing and my settlement amount would be decided on by the accountants in 
charge of dispersing the total amount.  It seemed to good to be true, but I 
mailed it back anyway.  6 months later, a check for 372.00 came in the 
mail.   If I had not responded, that portion would have gone to the 2 
people who initiated the law suit.  The predispersed amount was something 
like $200,000 to be divided into whomever files a claim.

Roger Taylor

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