[Coco] Re: Not sure about the Barden issue

Ray Watts rayanddoraleew at earthlink.net
Wed Jul 28 12:25:23 EDT 2004

Torsten Dittel wrote:

>I've been quite shure the first posting was a fake because I'd still bet
>Mr. Barden is living in Rhode Island and not in Florida.
With all due respect, Torsten, I cannot comprehend why a person who was 
a native of, and who lived most of his life in Southern California, 
would want to move to Rhode Island.  While it is possible, it is not 
very probable.  As an independent worker, there is no job worthy of 
luring him there, and, I believe, his wife was also a Californian.  That 
being said, you will probably end up being correct.

Cheers,  Ray

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