[Coco] RomPack

Steve Ostrom smostrom at mn.rr.com
Thu Jul 22 00:19:51 EDT 2004

Thanks, Art.  You made my day!  I actually did remember!!

Mark, Boisy and Art:

Is it possible to have this work under HDBDOS, similar to the way it did 
under XADOS3?

-- Steve --

Arthur Flexser wrote:

>To add to my previous response:  Yes, it would have come with both an Ext.
>ADOS-3 driver and (on the same disk) an OS-9 driver.  And yes, with this
>driver installed in the EADOS3 EPROM, the clock is used both to display
>the date and time at startup and for to put the date/time of creation in
>the directory entry for saved files.
>As someone mentioned, most people used the Smartwatch directly in the disk
>controller, piggybacked with the disk ROM, but I also offered it in a
>Rompack to be used in the MPI for folks who either couldn't get the disk
>controller's cover on with the piggybacked clock (I recommended cutting a
>hole in the cover in this case as another alternative), or who had a
>controller with a 24-pin socket that could not readily accommodate both
>the 28-pin clock and the 28-pin EADOS3 EPROM.  (I sold a 28-to-24 pin
>adapter, but the clock's leg's were too rigid to be bent outward to fit
>into alternate holes as the adapter required.  You could use the clock
>under OS-9 without an adapter by letting 4 pins hang off the end of the
>socket, I believe.)
>On Wed, 21 Jul 2004, Steve Ostrom wrote:
>>Thanks, Mark.  I'm starting to remember something from ages ago.  About 
>>the time I bought ADOS or XADOS from Art, my files began being time/date 
>>Art, if you are listening in, did you sell this to me?  Didn't it have 
>>special drivers?  Did ADOS access the SmartWatch to add this time 
>>information to the saved files for a creation date, or display the time 
>>and date at start-up?
>>-- Steve --
>>mmarlett at isd.net wrote:
>>>As for what the pak does, I'm not sure. The part is a SmartWatch device,
>>>it's battery is internal to the IC itself. They have RAM that is battery
>>>backed up as well. 2k-512k IIRC. Along with the standard CMOS RTC.....
>>>>I have a Coco rompack without a label that does not self-execute.  Upon
>>>opening the black shell, I see a circuit board that says "ANTECO" on the
>>>side nearest to the spring door, and has a fairly large black block on the
>>>other side of the board.  This block is fixed to the circuit board by pins.
>>>In the middle of the block is a rectangular depression with an exposed
>>>chip.  This chip reads:
>>>>My guess is a clock, but I don't see any kind of battery.  Anyone know for
>>>sure what this beastie does, or who manufactured it?
>>>>-- Steve --
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