[Coco] OS9 Getclock

John Donaldson jadonaldson at charter.net
Sat Jul 17 15:42:51 EDT 2004

   With the JV/JC  and Mess Emulator, a new Clock2 module is being made 
to handle this

John Donaldson

Dave Kelly wrote:

> KnudsenMJ at aol.com wrote:
>> In a message dated 7/16/04 9:26:35 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
>> jadonaldson at charter.net writes:
>>>  Does anyone have a current copy of  "getclock". The one I have 
>>> returns the correct date and time
>>> except it displays 1904 instead of 2004. The date and month are 
>>> correct.   
>> Isn't this just par for the course on old OS9 versions?
>> It is on the MM/1 OSK, or OS9/68K version 2.4.  I just put up with 
>> the century-old year.  It does cause the day of the week to be off by 
>> one, though.
>> When you read such OS9 floppies into a PC, the date will be 28 years 
>> into the future!
>> Back to the Coco -- I don't know if the battery is still running my 
>> B&B RTC, which is built into my hard drive interface, and *did* keep 
>> everything correctly until Y2K.
>> --Mike K.
> Wasn't the solution to patch the 'date' module.
> Use a hex editor and search for ?? (whatever the hex value for ? is). 
> The two bites before '??'
> is 19, change it to 20.
> Then insert the 'date' module back into you boot module.

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