[Coco] $1,000 supercomputer

James C. Hrubik, Sr. jimhrubik at earthlink.net
Sat Jul 17 15:39:07 EDT 2004

Fast Crays supposedly are in the range of 2+ teraflops, but certainly 
not for under $1kDollar.

An eMac should do 4 gigaflops; you can get those for $800 new, but it's 
nowhere near 100 gigaflops for $1kDollar.

Anybody have specs on the #gigaflops for a G5?

On Saturday, July 17, 2004, at 01:58  PM, Bootstrap Bill wrote:

> The following was published in 1999. It claims that we could have a 
> $1,000
> computer capable of processing 100 billion instructions per second 
> within 18
> months. It's been over five years and still no word from the company. 
> Has
> anyone heard anything about this? I want one!
> http://www.cnn.com/TECH/computing/9906/15/supercomp.idg/index.html
> A $1000 supercomputer?
> June 15, 1999
> Web posted at: 8:46 a.m. EDT (1246 GMT)
> by Mark Brownstein
> (IDG) -- Within 18 months, you may be able to put the equivalent of 
> today's
> supercomputer on your desktop--for about $1000. The CPU, long the 
> heart of
> all PCs, may be an unnecessary component in tomorrow's high-performance
> computers.
> The new computer will be able to process 100 billion instructions per
> second, according to Kent Gilson, chief technical officer of Star 
> Bridge
> Systems. Company representatives discussed their plans for a high-end 
> PC
> this week while announcing HAL-300GrW1, a "hypercomputer" that is said 
> to be
> 60,000 times as fast as a 350-MHz Pentium, and many times as fast as 
> IBM's
> supercomputer Pacific Blue. (The test used to measure the HAL's 
> performance
> was different from the measure used for Pacific Blue, so exact 
> comparisons
> are difficult.)

| O thus be it ever, when free men shall stand                |
| Between their loved homes and the war's desolation!         |
| Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the Heaven-rescued land   |
| Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a Nation!  |
| Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just;            |
| And this be our motto: "In GOD is our trust!"               |
| And the Star Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave          |
| O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.        |
==========National Anthem, United States of America============
......................AIM : appraisebee........................

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