[Coco] Will the *real* artifact colors please stand up?

John Kowalski sock at axess.com
Mon Jul 5 16:28:38 EDT 2004

Bob Emery wrote:
>FWIW John, I tried it out on my 64K F board (white case) coco1. This computer
>has always had odd colors though... rather than red/blue artifacts, it shows
>green/purple. On either CoCo1 or 3 your purple/green areas just look like black
>& white bars on this 13" TV.

I get black and white bars in the 'green & purple' areas when I try it with
a CoCo 3 too, but my CoCo 1 shows very definite green and purple - even when
hooked up to the exact same TV.

It appears some CoCos show very different colors than others.  It may also
depend on the model of TV you use as well.  That's why I'm trying to figure
out if the green and purple are consistent, or reversed on some CoCo models.

If we're going to simulate complex artifact colors in CoCo emulators, I want
to make sure I get it right!

So, the currently collected data is:

Model            box 1     box 2     box 3     box 4
-------------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
CoCo 3            red       B&W       blue      B&W
CoCo 2            red    pale-blue    blue    pale-red   
CoCo 1            red      green      blue     purple
CoCo 1           purple     B&W      green      B&W

Anyone else?  Please, if you have a CoCo 1 - let me know which four colors
appear on your TV and what order they appear in:

10 PMODE4,1:PCLS:SCREEN1,1:PMODE3,1:A=2:B=2.5
20 FORY=48TO143:FORX=(Y AND1)+65TO191STEP4
40 A=A+1/48:B=B+1/48:IFA>3.5THENA=1
60 GOTO60

                                         John Kowalski (Sock Master)

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