[Coco] Exatron Stringy Floppy

Neil Morrison neilsmorr at hotpop.com
Sat Jan 31 17:47:25 EST 2004

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Arthur Flexser" <flexser at fiu.edu>

> I distinctly remember a version for the CoCo being advertised for a
> in Rainbow.  I remember thinking that one could probably get
> speed by modifying the CoCo's cassette functions so that they
worked in
> the double-speed CPU mode, which led to my first commercial
> Fastape.  In that mode, cassette speed was 3600 bps, which actually
> faster than the floppy drive speed on a Commodore 64.  Though of
> the C-64 drive and (I think) the Exatron thingie had the advantage
> random access via a directory.

Not so much random access as the fact that you could search from any
point on the tape since it was continuous - and relatively quick.


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