[Coco] Newbie help: Barden Bubble w/ Portal-9

Roger Taylor rtaylor at bayou.com
Mon Jan 26 00:54:16 EST 2004

Create your project

Add a target disk called 'bubble' or something similar.

Click 'Add New Source Component'

Point to the .asm file below

In the left panel, choose Multi-Record, and in the 'output filename' field, 
type something like 'bubble.bin'.  You have to give it a name to be called 
on the destinated disk.  In the filetype field, choose 'binary'.

Click the Go button.  Voila.

At 09:45 PM 1/25/2004 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi all:
>I entered the code below into a new file in Portal-9, set the file to be 
>assembled as a single file, and the type of system to CoCo2 and MESS came 
>up, but nothing runs.  Any pointers?
>00100 * BUBBLE SORT
>00120 BUB010 LDX     #$400       POINT TO SCREEN
>00130        LDY     #0          SET CHANGEFLAG TO 0
>00140 BUB020 LDA     ,X+            GET FIRST ENTRY
>00150        CMPA    ,X             TEST NEXT
>00160        BLS     BUB030         GO IF A<=B
>00170        LDB     ,X             GET SECOND ENTRY
>00180        STB     -1,X           SWAP B TO A
>00190        STA     ,X             SWAP A TO B
>00200        LDY     #1             SET "CHANGE"
>00210 BUB030 CMPX    #$400+511      TEST FOR SCREEN END
>00220        BNE     BUB020         GO IF NOT ONE PASS
>00230        INC     PASSNO       INCREMENT PASS #
>00240        CMPY    #0           TEST CHANGE FLAG
>00250        BNE     BUB010       GO IF CHANGE OCCURRED
>00260 LOOP   JMP     LOOP       LOOP HERE
>00270 PASSNO FCB     0          PASS #
>00280        END
>I think it's something really stupid on my part.
>Coco mailing list
>Coco at maltedmedia.com

Roger Taylor

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