[Coco] Mars Rover problems

Ward Griffiths wdg3rd at comcast.net
Sat Jan 24 13:15:18 EST 2004

On Saturday 24 January 2004 10:42 am, John Collyer wrote:
> I remember the first day they said they had
> some sort of hardware problem and when
> the Rover landed it jolted it back and it
> started working.  My guess is its hardware
> related.

I'm not guessing when I claim that it's wetware related.  NASA is a 
government agency and should be abolished along with its parent 
organization.  (I'd rather colonize an asteroid than a planet anyway, 
I'm not as young as I used to be and gravity sucks worse every year).
Ward Griffiths	wdg3rd at comcast.net	http://home.comcast.net/~wdg3rd

Now we have nearly 500 dead Americans who died to protect the United
States from weapons that don't exist. And more will die, and for what
reason? So Halliburton and other big corporations can make a lot of
money? So Israel can feel safer? So we can have permanent military bases
in Iraq? So the president can strut about and call himself the Conqueror
of Iraq? One thing you can be sure of: They won't die defending the
United States, because Iraq is not now and never was a threat to the
United States.			-- Charley Reese

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