[Coco] RESET on CoCo 1/2 vs CoCo 3

John Collyer johncollyer at zoominternet.net
Sat Jan 24 10:06:35 EST 2004

In the CoCo 1, 2, and 3 the RESET vector located at $FFFE and
points to $A027, which is BASIC's warm start check code.
If you POKE any value, other then $55, in location $0071
the CoCo 1, 2, and 3 will do a cold start.  Otherwise it'll do
a warm start.  Check out the Unravelled Series of books.

John Collyer

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Perry M Dueck" <pmdueck at shaw.ca>
To: <coco at maltedmedia.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2004 9:04 AM
Subject: [Coco] RESET on CoCo 1/2 vs CoCo 3

> Hi all,
> Although I owned a CoCo 3 system in 1987 to 1994 (and again from 2001 to
> present and probably forever henceforth), I only recently have come into
> ownership of a few CoCo 1 and CoCo 2 computers.
> Being primarily a CoCo 3 user, it was natural to hold down ALT  CTRL  and
> press RESET to break out of programs and "reset" the entire machine to its
> original power up state, and start fresh without powering the computer off
> and then on again.
> With a CoCo 1 and 2, and certain software, when I want to break out of a
> program, I'll press the RESET button on the back of the machine, but then
> it sometimes will throw the computer back into the program I was using
> (again, some software will do this, other software will not). This leaves
> me with the only option of powering down the system, waiting for a bit (as
> is customary with powering electronics off and then back on), and then
> switching the computer back on to start off "fresh".
> Is this sequence of events on the CoCo 1 and 2 my only option for
> the machine in certain situations, or is there some key combination I can
> use together with the RESET button (similar to the CoCo 3's  ALT  CTRL
> RESET) to reboot the computer completely? Or perhaps some POKE commands I
> can enter before loading and executing software with would otherwise not
> allow me to break out of the program by simply pressing the RESET button
> the back of the computer?
> Thanks for your advice/comments.
> best regards, Perry
> -- 
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