[Coco] Re: off-topic, space program

Brad Grier bradgrier at cox.net
Sun Jan 18 20:28:32 EST 2004

arikboke at yahoo.com wrote:

> I don't think Bush is an "evil" man.  In fact, he is probably more honorable
> than many of his predecessors.  However, he isn't particularly bright, and this
> has caused all sorts of issues.  Invading a nation to avenge Daddy belongs in a
> B-rated Western or Kung-fu flick, not in the agenda of the leader of the free
> world.

I don't think Bush is an evil man either - I just don't think in those 
terms. In fact, I think he's quite intelligent when it comes to things 
competitive or aggressive in nature. It's the only time he's articulate. 
The whole integrity thing is a manufactured aura that's simply untrue - 
genius in its own way.

>>True - my first reaction to the Chinese sending a man into orbit was 
>>"that should restart the space program". The lizard part of the human 
>>brain was the reason we went to the moon in the first place. Not that we 
>>shouldn't have gone  - it was a amazing accomplishment. I can't wait 
>>fifteen years to see us do it again!
> I'd love to agree, but the Chinese do not pose the same threat as the old USSR.
>  They have largely accepted free market models, despite their "communist"
> label.  As a result, they are not the insidious, nuclear wielding "champions of
> the proletariat" that we were so afraid of decades ago, and hence, not the same
> kind of motivators.  Of course if the Chinese succeed AND find
> marketable/profitable materials, we and the Europeans and the Japanese will try
> to be all over this.  Speaking of the Japanese, why is it that they have no
> space program?  Given their extremely sophisticated technocracy, I would have
> thought otherwise.  Are they, perhaps, forbidden by treaty?
> -- David

No, the Chinese aren't a threat but competition drives so much of what 
we do. (Although check back with me when funding for SDI gets debated - 
they may be arch enemy number one by then). If France put a man on the 
moon you could bet we'd be there in record time.

Actually, the Japanese do have something of a space program. Their Mars 
orbiter just recently failed to reach its destination. I guess they 
haven't mastered everything technical.

Okay, I will try to stay on topic if I can help myself.


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