[Coco] 6809 example

Robert Gault robert.gault at worldnet.att.net
Sun Jan 18 16:24:33 EST 2004

jimcox at miba51.com wrote:
> This looks a little above the skill set for a newbie like me.  I've sort 
> of lost track of this thread, but it looks like the code below is Basic, 
> not Assembly.  Right - wrong?
> Does anyone have some sample assmbly that they can post privately.  
> Also, can someone please remind me again what is the difference between 
> running EDASM+ on a CoCo 2 and a CoCo 3
> Jim

The thread started with Roger posting an assembly program for a bubble 
sort. I posted a Basic equivalent for comparison which really was needed 
for beginning programmers to see the differences in high and low level 

The best way to learn assembly in my opinion is to be given a task 
either in psuedo code or Basic and be told to convert it to assembly 
code. At each point where the student gets stuck, a "what now" questions 
should be posted. The answers should be just enough to get the student 
to the next "what now".

Having a complete assembly program dropped in your lap will probably not 
result in the best learning experience.

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