[Coco] 6809 example

Roger Taylor rtaylor at bayou.com
Sat Jan 17 04:21:10 EST 2004

At 10:23 PM 1/16/2004 -0800, you wrote:
>On Fri, 16 Jan 2004 23:03:23 -0600
>  Roger Taylor <rtaylor at bayou.com> wrote:
>Thanks Roger.  BTW, is the HLA that you use the same that in the book from 
>No Starch Press, "The Art of Assembly Language?"

Yes, that's the one.  CCASM and Portal-9 are written in HLA.

I keep in touch with Randall on a daily basis.  One of the reasons how 
CCASM and Portal-9 were created so quickly compared to all of my other work 
is because this man has always been there to answer my questions and get me 
out of a bind, as I learn(ed) HLA.  The other thing is that I'm pretty much 
a power coder, pounding the keyboard 90 miles an hour with 8 or 9 windows 
open that all might be playing some part.  One window might be Randall's 
mailing list where I'm waiting for a response to why I can't reference a 
structure field correctly, etc.  But I don't wait... I'm always working on 
something.  Randall has also put in features that I hinted around for.  For 
his generosity, I owe him a lot.

He's got more literature in proofreading now that should be out in a few 
months.  I've had his AoA book for a few years now in printout form, taking 
up 3 thick binders.  I've gone through a lot of ink updating the chapters 
as he changes them.  They trimmed the AoA book down a bit for the press 
copy.  I think the term is called abridged.

Roger Taylor

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