[Coco] off-topic, space program

Neil Morrison neilsmorr at hotpop.com
Thu Jan 15 13:33:41 EST 2004

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <arikboke at yahoo.com>

> I've noticed a bit of the "jingoist" streak in some of these posts.
> uncomfortable to think that they come from those living in,
arguably, the most
> advanced nation in the world, in the Year of Our Lord, 2004.
Neither the
> Chinese nor anyone else has TAKEN anything from us, jobs or
otherwise.  No one
> has placed guns to the heads of American (or other) companies to go
to China
> (or elsewhere) to set up shop.  They did that on their own....

In fact some presidents deliberately allowed the Japanese (and then
the Chinese?) to take over electronics as a trade off for political


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