[Coco] off-topic, space program

Roger Taylor rtaylor at bayou.com
Thu Jan 15 03:42:46 EST 2004

At 03:05 AM 1/15/2004 -0500, you wrote:

> >If the Chinese start to beat us in space will the motivation to go
> >back increase?

The Chinese will never do that.  In fact, I'm sure the U.S. will do 
anything it can to remain #1 in this area.

I just wish I would have been born in the future at the day and time we 
choose to colonize the moon and put humans there to dwell, and the day 
where one can look up in the sky and see city lights on the moon at 
night.  We all know that day is in the future, we just can't say this to 
the average person who doesn't yet know that the term sci-fi has always 
been real, or to those who are unaware of what is possible and what we can 
and will do.

No, I get to live in the small timeframe where when I was 1 year old, my 
mother watched 2 men step onto the moon while the entire globe sat in awe 
in front of their radios and televisions...  a timeframe where when I'm 51, 
we *might* get to do it again, if Bush's plan works out.  And when I'm 61, 
NASA would have possibily figured out if it's safe enough to blast off 
towards Mars with a few people who will set foot on the surface.  This 
irritates me to the fullest. :)  I say, build this dern exploration 
vehicle, and shape it like something from Star Trek :), put a bunch of 
people on it, 2 of every animal :), plenty of beer, and get out there and 
explore.  Just watching them do this would be the most-watched "tv show" in 
the history of the Earth.

Roger Taylor

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