[Coco] DEFT Pascal
Willard Goosey
goosey at virgo.sdc.org
Sun Jan 4 03:57:25 EST 2004
>From: "Jones, Orville CPT" <JonesO at k2.cjtf180.army.mil>
>Date: Sun, 4 Jan 2004 07:01:32 -0000
>I just tried to load your DEFT pascal disk in MESS and I am getting a "?FS
>ERROR" when ever I try to load any of the files for some reason.
Ahh yes, I remember this. And just re-downloaded the virtual disks to
make sure...
Ken's virtual disks have a weird header on them (maybe they're the
Dragon emulator format virtual disks?) Anyway, the virtual disk is:
164 -rw-r--r-- 1 goosey users 161792 Sep 2 2000 DEFT.DSK
and it needs to be:
164 -rw-r--r-- 1 goosey users 161665 Dec 22 2002 deftnew.dsk
So just load the file into an 8-bit clean editor (MSDOG edit works
fine) and delete the first 127 bytes.
You can tell when you've trimmed enough off because the directory will
look right. (You can see what the directory SHOULD be from the editor
-- track 17's about half-way through the virtual disk.)
You'll need to do this for both the DEFT and AGS disks.
Good luck, this looks like a nice CoCo 1/2 Pascal system. It can do
32K RAM / 32K ROM or 64K RAM development, but prefers the 64K RAM
setup, where it unmaps BASIC and uses its own primitives to deal with
the hardware directly. The AGS is rather impressive for a PMODE
GUI/graphics library.
>Have a great day.
Willard Goosey goosey at sdc.org
Socorro, New Mexico, USA
"I've never been to Contempt! Isn't that somewhere in New Mexico?"
--- Yacko
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