[Coco] Any reason to put a 6309 in a Coco2?

Roger Taylor rtaylor at bayou.com
Fri Jan 2 13:20:51 EST 2004

At 04:11 AM 1/2/2004 -0700, you wrote:
> > $4F is the operand, actually.  The only "opcodes" that come to mind that
> > you can really jump in the middle of, so to speak, is $10xx and $11xx.  And
> > you're right, some very nice tricks can be achieved to save both time and
> > space.
>You missed my point actually. $4F happens to also be the opcode for CLRA.
>While if happens to be the operand of and LDA instruction rooted at the
>previous address doesn't matter. It's still a perfectly legal instruction
>should the program counter happen to be pointed to that byte. Thus, if you

Sorry, I trimmed my original message so it didn't seem like I was trying to 
shoot you down on your assembly tips.  I used to do tricks like these back 
in the early 80's when I was hand-assembling all of my 6809 projects.  No 
point missed, just adding a comment or two, that's all.  Keep up the tutorials.

Roger Taylor

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