[Coco] Mac Users

Brad Grier bradgrier at cox.net
Sat Jan 31 13:48:47 EST 2004


I just received an e-mail from a Mac user stating he hasn't been able to 
use Mocha in the last week because of an applet error. The problem is 
that I can't test on Macintosh - I know everything is working in Linux 
and Windows though. I've made a substantial number of changes recently 
so it's going to be hard to nail down without additional information.

If a Mac user here knows how to get a Java console for your browser, I'd 
appreciate it if you sent me any error messages that appear there 
(assuming Mocha doesn't work for you). If it does work, I'd like to hear 
about that too.

The URL is: http://members.cox.net/javacoco/

You can send any stack trace messages that appear in the Java console to
bradgrier at cox.net.



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