[Coco] Re: M.E.S.S. 6309 error

Rodney V Hamilton Rodney_Hamilton at GBRonline.com
Sun Dec 19 02:49:21 EST 2004

In article < at pop.bayou.com>, 
rtaylor at bayou.com says...
>The LDBT and STBT instructions in the COCO3H mode of M.E.S.S. are broken.
>The following program should take the value poked at <255, read the 7th 
>bit, store that bit into the 7th bit of register A, then store register A 
>to the screen at 1024.
>LOADM this program, POKE a 255 into address 255, type EXEC and then do a 
>PEEK(1024) to see the results.  Bit 7 of [1024] should be a 1 since the 
>value at 255 is all 1's.  I've tried many other combos and nothing seems to 
>work or give a clue to what M.E.S.S. is doing.
>        org     3584
>start   clra
>        clrb
>        ldbt    a,7,7,<255
>        stb     1024
>        rts
>        end     start

Roger, shouldn't you instead use 'sta 1024' instead of stb?
The ldbt instruction was told to modify reg.A after all.

  ldbt a,7,7,<255   ==>  1136BFFF
  ldbt b,7,7,<255   ==>  11367FFF

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