[Coco] Wow cool! Look at this on ebay.

Bob Devries bdevries at gil.com.au
Fri Dec 17 18:39:22 EST 2004

Torsten said:
> Not my auction! Didn't know there were 128K CoCo1 around

Well, Torsten, one of my coco2's is 128K It is the coco2 with the same size 
case as the grey coco1. It was modded like that from a magazine article. I 
forget exactly which one. There was software to use the extra mem for a 
ramdisk under OS9L1, and also some stuff for BASIC.
I seem to recall that Frank Hogg had some part in that mod.

Regards, Bob Devries. Dalby, Queensland, Australia.
Faith isn't faith until it's all you're holding on to.

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