[Coco] CCASM for Linux

Mannequin* mannslists at invigorated.org
Sat Dec 11 15:50:07 EST 2004

On Sat, 2004-12-11 at 11:53 -0800, Theodore Evans wrote:
> On Dec 11, 2004, at 10:48 AM, Roger Taylor wrote:
> > At 11:34 AM 12/11/2004, you wrote:
> >
> >> On 10-Dec-04, at 10:40 PM, Roger Taylor wrote:
> >>
> >>> Just a note to those who asked me in the past about whether CCASM 
> >>> would be available for Linux, too.  The answer is yes.  CCASM has 
> >>> been ported to Linux.
> >>>
> >>> I'm dealing with a CR/LF issue right now but I should have this 
> >>> worked out by tonight or tomorrow.  Still, no IDE for Linux 
> >>> (sorrrrrry!).
> >>
> >> What about for the Mac?
> >
> > CCASM is written in HLA.  HLA 1.x only runs under Windows and Linux, 
> > so I can only build for those two systems.
> It is worse than that, it only runs under x86 Linux so it looks like 
> running CCASM under Linux on several of my systems is out of the 
> question.

That also includes my Debian Linux/PPC machine... Which happens to be
the machine I'm always on! :)

I'm not too worried, but it would be nice to be able to run a few Coco
things on this machine. It would enable me to do Coco things when I'm
away... BTW, my main machine, the Linux/PPC machine, is a PowerBook G3
Firewire. :D


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