[Coco] Re: Strange CoCo 2B model

Torsten Dittel Torsten at Dittel.info
Wed Aug 25 11:19:43 EDT 2004

> I can't tell enough deail from the pic, but the keyboard just looks like a
> CoCo2 keyboard due to the old-style arrow location (which I much prefer to the
> CoCo3 arrow keys) and the lack of function/ctrl/alt keys.

It's indeed an "AZERTY" layout, not the usual "QWERTY" of the CoCo.
Well, accented characters (like "é") don't make sense since the ASCII
character set of the 6847 VDG doesn't support them. By the way, German
keyboards have a "QWERTZ" layout but for shure there's never been such a
CoCo keyboard (although a CoCo at least displaying "ÄäÖöÜüß" would be
nice.. ;-))).


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