[Coco] kevin darling?

Ray Watts rayanddoraleew at earthlink.net
Fri Apr 23 18:26:18 EDT 2004

Kevin Diggs wrote:

>	Does anyone know where Mr. Darling is these days? If so
>can we beg him to see if he still has the source code for the
>SDisk OS9 disk driver?
>					kevin
If I knew where to find Kevin Darling I would be bugging him to come up 
with the remaining parts of the "OS-9 L3" upgrade .... the parts they 
did which required 512k RAM ... but Tandy only wanted to operate at 
128k.  This included such things as working vector fonts and windows 
showing an operating app in the background.  Brother Jeremy was checking 
this out at one time, and if anyone knew where KD might be, he is the 
one.  Unforch I have not heard anything about or from Brother Jeremy for 
a year.

Cheers,  Griz

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