[Coco] suggestion for Ultimuse

Bob Devries bdevries at gil.com.au
Thu Nov 20 00:54:00 EST 2003

Mike said:
> I just remembered that it isn't necessary to spin off a separate process
> send the alarm signals.  There is an F$Alarm system call to set it up for

I can't find an F$Alarm in my OS9/68K manuals, either in the C part or the
Assembler. I have the complete OSK manuals that came with my SECAD system.

Maybe you're thinking of the 6809 version. I know it was there.
Or maybe it was in another library, like Carl Kreider's?

> Unforch, I don't have any OSK C Library manual, so don't know how to call
> from C.  If I ever got hold of the "OSK()" C function that somebody made
> Microware)

As mentioned previously, the manuals are now available as PDF files in
various places.

> Aha, I smell a fun contest here.  Just *try* to crash my program!  And
> keep making it more crash-proof.  Sure sounds more productive than virus
> authors and spammers versus the Forces of Good.  --Mike K.


Regards, Bob Devries; Ipswich, Queensland, Australia

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