[Coco] CoCo gcc project

Robert Gault robert.gault at worldnet.att.net
Mon Nov 3 23:32:00 EST 2003

If I've interpreted your question correctly, Disk EDTASM+ has such a convention
but I would not recommend going this route. The DOS written for this package was
designed to permit modules to interact with it somewhat as they do in OS-9. The
DOS contains disk I/O routines and something like F$ I$ calls which can be
placed in user ml programs to Load "overlays", Read and Write to files. It is
very primitive.

To use this DOS, all ml programs (modules) must be assemble in single record
format not the multiple record default.

KnudsenMJ at aol.com wrote:
> Is there any RSDOS convention for object modules?  That is, have there been
> any assemblers for RSDOS that didn't assemble everything as one big source file?
> If not, then there is no RSDOS convention, and we should carry OS9's RMA
> convention over to RSDOS.

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