[Coco] Re: Any reason to put a 6309 in a Coco2?

tim lindner tlindner at ix.netcom.com
Wed Dec 31 16:21:21 EST 2003

Gene Heskett <gene.heskett at verizon.net> wrote:

> AIUI, running in the default powerup 6809 mode, it perfectly emulates
> the 6809 with the exception of doing a prefetch of the next 
> instruction if it has something else to do internally, and this does 
> increase the speed a few percentage points.  But unless whatever 
> you're doing is timed by the cpu instead of the clock, you'll 
> probably not be effected in any way you can detect.

In startup mode then 6309 has the same instruction cycle count as the

You don't get faster instructions until you switch to native mode.

If your programs stick to the instructions listed in Motorola's manual,
you timing loops will be fine.

tim lindner
tlindner at ix.netcom.com                                            Bright

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