[Coco] (no subject)

Roger Taylor rtaylor at bayou.com
Tue Dec 30 22:08:59 EST 2003

This is for those who have been talking about the 6309 but are not sure if 
the money is worth it.  I say get'em while they still exist.

Here's a snip from CCASM's manual showing just a little of what can be done 
with the 6309, even on a CoCo. These are actual instructions and not macros 
or psuedo-ops. Also, do you notice which instructions are not possible with 
your current assembler?
ldmd #1  [enable full 6309 CPU operation]
sexw [converts 16-bit signed reg. w into 32-bit signed reg. q]
oim 64;1024  [OR the value 64 into address 1024]
oim 128;,u  [OR the value 128 into the memory pointed to by reg. u]
aim 254;2,u  [AND the value 254 into offsetted mem. pointed to by reg. u]
aim 31;structure.offset,u
aim 191;1024  [AND the value 191 into address 1024]
tim 80;65280  [TEST bit #7 of address 65280]
tim %11;[1000]  [TEST bits #0&1 of indirect address 1000]
eim %01010101;255  [XOR the value 85 into address 255]
bor a,1,7,255  [OR bit #1 in reg. a with bit #7 from address 255]
ldbt a,2,6,200  [load bit #2 in reg. a with bit #6 from address 200]
ldq #98765  [load reg. q with a 32-bit integer]
ldq #$A4B2C3D9  [load reg. q with a 32-bit hex. value]
ldq #%10110010110000111010100011101011  [32-bit binary value!]
copy x,y        [copy a block of RAM from ,x+ to ,y+]
copy-   [reverse block copy]
exp x,y [expand ,x memory contents into block of RAM at ,y+]
imp x,y [implode block of RAM at ,x+ into single address ,y]

"exp" is used to clear screens and buffers very quickly
"imp" is used to blast a large range of memory into a single address

Roger Taylor

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