[Coco] Sock Master Demos

Roger Taylor rtaylor at bayou.com
Tue Dec 23 23:51:51 EST 2003

At 08:16 PM 12/23/2003 -0800, you wrote:
>For one, when I do a "imgtool" by itself, I get examples showing, e.g.,
>"imgtool put RSDOS name.dsk files".  As a newby, I assumed RSDOS meant "Radio
>Shack DOS" or ECBD.  For the longest time, I tried PUTing and GETing using
>RSDOS as the format, to no avail.
>The actual usage seems to vary, with RSDOS having to be replaced by one of the
>following: "coco_jvc_rsdos", "coco_os9_rsdos", "coco_vdk_rsdos", or
>Thus far, I have only used "coco_jvc_rsdos" because the other formats seem to
>create errors.  Could this be the source of my file corruptions?  Do I have to
>use a different virtual disk format?  I'd appreciate if you could tell me what
>are the differences between them, and when to use which (although so far only
>the JVC format seems to work for me).  Thanks.

Yes, use coco_jvc_rsdos.  I haven't had success in creating DMK or VDK .dsk 
formats.  Use --sides=1 --tracks=35 --sectors=18 as the other parameters 
during the 'imgtool create' process!

Roger Taylor

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