[Coco] [Color Computer] OS-9 Editor and NitrOS-9 Download
dbree at duo-county.com
Sat Dec 13 19:00:10 EST 2003
On Thu, Dec 11, 2003 at 11:53:37AM -0500, KnudsenMJ at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 12/10/03 6:09:37 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> dbree at duo-county.com writes:
> > It probably was. It was probably just defined as a "char", since there
> > is no unsigned char in Coco C, and it was never changed. Of course, it
> > was a bug to not mask off the MSB in the first place.
> Right, but there's a catch here. The usual way to fake "unsigned char" on
> the Coco is, given a char variable ch, is
> (ch & 127) /* I have dozens of these in UME source code */
> but in the Scred case you want the full 8 bits, so you have to first extend
> it to a 16-bit int and then mask out the upper byte, so you need something like
In looking at the code, it seems that the ALT-keys are ignored, so the
upper bit can be ignored. However, what I did was to change the branch
FWIW, here's the snippet of code in the section I changed:
Note that this assembly source is just a raw disassembly with no attempt
to make a "real" source. I'm sure most of you can see what is going on.
----------- cut --------------
L05b9 ldd #2
lbra L0655
L05bf lbsr L4dd0
lbra L064e
L05c5 lbsr L2aed
lbra L064e
L05cb lbsr L29b3
lbra L064e
L05d1 lbsr L0753
lbra L064e
* check for control character
L05d7 cmpu #$0020
bge L05ed changed to bcc L05ed
* This area processes control-key combinations, but with "bge", a signed
* comparison, CTRL-A would also be processed here.
tfr u,d
lslb These two lsl/rol's would handle offset x 2
leax >239,y Point to CTRL-function table
leax d,x
* Oops! in orig, suppose you'd hit ALT-<something> to give $ff, This
* unsigned character would have been sign extended to $ffff before
* calling this function, and then would have been rotated to $fffe,
* thus, x would now be pointing two bytes IN FRONT OF (or BEFORE) the
* table's actual begin !!! The bcc I changed it to, however, caused
* a jump in the instruction following L05d7 above.
ldd ,x
std ,s
bra L060e
L05ed cmpu #$007f ALT-KEY
bgt L064e changed to bhi
cmpu #$0060
ble L064e changed to bls
pshs u
ldd #$ff9f
addd ,s++
leax 303,y
leax d,x
ldd ,x
std ,s
bra L060e
L060e ldd ,s
beq L0616
jsr [,s]
bra L064e
L0616 bsr L0659
bra L064e
L061a cmpx #$001b
lbeq L0579
cmpx #$000d
lbeq L0592
cmpx #$000a
lbeq L05aa
cmpx #$003f
lbeq L05bf
cmpx #$003b
lbeq L05c5
cmpx #$002e
lbeq L05cb
cmpx #$002c
lbeq L05d1
lbra L05d7
L064e clra
L0650 std D0049
lbra L0525
L0655 leas 4,s
puls u,pc
----------- cut --------------
In the code above, If we could have masked off the the high bit in one
single instruction, for the value held in the U register, then we could
have corrected the whole thing, but I didn't want to add any
code bytes so simply changed the relative branching modes, and it seems
that this corrected the problem.
> (((int) ch) & 255)
> to get the offset you will be adding to index the table.
> In assembly, you just LDB ch and then CLRA before doing the coupled left
> shift by one to double the offsets --Mike K.
Yes, in assembly, you have more control over how it works.
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