[Coco] Disk drive questions?

Ray Watts rayanddoraleew at earthlink.net
Wed Dec 3 14:26:00 EST 2003

Gene Heskett wrote:

>>>Does this easy setup work through BASIC as well as OS9,
>>>or is your system
>>>OS9 only.  If a person has a set of two double-sided
>>>5.25" drives now, can
>>>one set be replaced with 3.5" drives and still work in
>>I should have clarified that I am running with Basic and
>>not OS-9.   Is this an issue?
>It can be, because the disk format is carved in the eprom data, 
>whereas with os9 the descriptor can be played with, gaining access to 
>the other side of the disk etc.
Gene,   Either I didn't understand the question, or I don't understand 
your reply.  DS/DD 5.25" drives and DS/DD 3.5" drives look identical to 
the CoCo and can be mixed and matched.  Under the DECB ROM, they will 
all look exactly the same and, under OS9, they will become whatever 
descriptor you give each one - in a range of 160k to 720k.  Am I looking 
at something cross-eyed?   
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