[ From Butch Ross ] THE NEW ALBUM IS HERE! Plus OHIO shows this weekend and more!

News, info and tourdates for Butch Ross butchross at butchross.com
Tue Apr 29 11:32:01 EDT 2014

*I’ve got a new album to tell you about, but first: here’s where I’m
playing this weekend: Friday, May 2 - Potluck and Jam @ Grandview Park –
Free We do this every year; contact Doug Snapp for more information
(dmsnapp at wowway.com <dmsnapp at wowway.com> or phone at 614-313-6424).
Saturday, May 3 and Sunday May 4, 2014 - all day $10 to $30 depending.
Battelle-Darby Creek Metro Park - Central Ohio Folk Festival I’m back again
teaching and performing (and selling the NEW CD). http://www.cfms-inc.org/
<http://www.cfms-inc.org/> Saturday, May 3, 2014 – 8pm (tip jar) Taffy's of
Eaton 123 East Main Street, Eaton, OH Taffy’s bills itself as “The Music
Mecca of the Universe” and while that’s a pretty big boast (the Universe,
after all, is a pretty big place) I’m sure Taffy’s is probably in the Top
5. Moriah Lawson opens. http://taffysofeaton.com/
<http://taffysofeaton.com/> Sunday, May 4, 2014 – 6pm - $3 Leo's
Coffeehouse - NEW LOCATION Mt. Healthy United Methodist Church 7612 Perry
St. Mt. Healthy, OH http://queencityballadeers.org/
<http://queencityballadeers.org/> . . and come early for a workshop at
5:30! “Boil Dem Cabbage” five different ways. Learn to play this ubiquitous
song in 5 different keys as well as one compelling reason to want to. It’ s
here. The new album is finally here. Actually, it’s been here for a little
while, boxes upon boxes in my living room, while I desperately try to keep
my mouth shut about it. But I wanted to make sure that rewards that my
Kickstarter Backers were owed got done and sent. And while it’ll still be a
bit before the 7” single is done, the other stuff has been completed and
it’s on its way. So now I can trumpet to the world that the new CD is
finished. It’s been as long hard road to get this thing done, and I can
honestly say it is the best sounding thing I’ve ever made. Eleven songs,
mostly original, and the songs all tell a story of one kind or another. All
of my previous records have a song or two that for various reasons I’ve
never been able to perform live. That is decidedly NOT the case with his
one. I’ve been attempting to make these tracks playable as a solo act and
I’m very excited about what these arrangements are becoming. AND I’m
excited to show you those arrangements this coming weekend. You can listen
to the new record RIGHT NOW by going to http://www.butchross.com
<http://www.butchross.com/> click on the player and listen to it in it’s
entirety (the player requires flash, so sorry iPad/iPhone folks). You can
also click to buy OR download it via iTunes or CD Baby (CD baby gives a lot
more money to its musicians, BTW). But WAIT . . there’s also more new
stuff for sale! 13 MORE Great Tunes That (Seriously) Almost Nobody Plays
The follow-up to my first book of wonderful and semi-obscure tunes, this
one features even lesser known (many aren’t even in either of Steve
Seifert’s ‘Join the Jam’ books) and way cooler tunes, like “Old Aunt Jenny
With Her Nightcap On,” “Roscoe,” “Hell Up 9 Mile” and “Old Billy Hell.”
Rosie the Riveter Ukulele Chord Poster Imagine the iconic “We Can Do It”
Rosie the Riveter poster from WWII. Now imagine she’s holding a Ukulele,
and imagine that with her are sixteen common chords arranged by key and
suddenly you have a motivational poster that doubles as a handy resource.
But don’t take my word for it. Go check out all this stuff at
http://butchross.com/stuff.html <http://butchross.com/stuff.html> So that’s
it, please go listen to the new record, I think you’ll like it. Here are
those shows again. Friday, May 2 Potluck and Jam @ Grandview Park – Free We
do this every year; contact Doug Snapp for more information
(dmsnapp at wowway.com <dmsnapp at wowway.com> or phone at 614-313-6424).
Saturday, May 3 and Sunday May 4, 2014 - all day $10 to $30 depending.
Battelle-Darby Creek Metro Park - Central Ohio Folk Festival I’m back again
teaching and performing (and selling the NEW CD). http://www.cfms-inc.org/
<http://www.cfms-inc.org/> Saturday, May 3, 2014 – 8pm (tip jar) Taffy's of
Eaton 123 East Main Street, Eaton, OH Taffy’s bills itself as “The Music
Mecca of the Universe” and while that’s a pretty big boast (the Universe,
after al,l is a pretty big place) I’m sure Taffy’s is probably in the Top
5. Moriah Lawson opens. http://taffysofeaton.com/
<http://taffysofeaton.com/> Sunday, May 4, 2014 – 6pm - $3 Leo's
Coffeehouse - NEW LOCATION Mt. Healthy United Methodist Church 7612 Perry
St. Mt. Healthy, OH http://queencityballadeers.org/
<http://queencityballadeers.org/> . . and come early for a workshop at
5:30! “Boil Dem Cabbage” five different ways. Learn to play this ubiquitous
song in 5 different keys as well as one compelling reason to want to. C-ya
out there. -Br www.butchross.com <http://www.butchross.com> *

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