[ From Butch Ross ] Kentucky Music Weekend starts Tomorrow then it's back to Indiana

Butch Ross butch at butchross.com
Thu Jul 26 06:42:44 EDT 2012

July 27 -29, 2012
Iroquois Amphitheater
Louisville, KY
I'll play Friday Night and again on Saturday Afternoon

Wed. August 1st 7-10pm
121 West Wayne St
Fort Wayne, IN

August 4-5, 2012
Mid-West Ukulele Festival
Druid Moon Folkcraft Factory
Woodburn, IN

Short and sweet this time, here's where I'll be this weekend and next
week. Then you won't hear from me for a while as I dig into recording
a NEW CD (actually keep an eye on the blog for project updates).
Hopefully Y'all can make it out.

C-ya Out There.


"Now I know what a dulcimer is supposed to sound like" —Jake Shimabukuro

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