[arg_discuss] Argology update

John Evans btradish at earthlink.net
Mon Jun 28 17:41:00 EDT 2010

I just updated the Argology developers page with a bunch of people
who had emailed wanting to be added to the list.

By the way, a few months ago there was a problem with a security
flaw in Wordpress and the site was hacked. That flaw has since
been fixed with Wordpress updates, and I very carefully went
through and weeded out any code that looked malicious. (Yes,
"weeded" is the word I'm looking for...imagine tearing something
out roots and all.) Anyway, the point is: At one point, Google
had the site listed as "malicious", but all the problems were
fixed months ago. That may be why something like McAfee is
warning about it.

John Evans
Chaoseed Software - http://chaoseed.com

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