[arg_discuss] Is it important for designers to play?

Thomas Maillioux thomas.maillioux at gmail.com
Thu Jun 10 09:44:46 EDT 2010

2010/6/10 Michael Andersen <mandersen at argn.com>

> Now, I know I'm essentially asking for the invention of a way to make

> in-game tutorials fun (with the added challenge that you don't want to

> provide TOO much guidance because that's part of the fun of ARGs) -- but I

> think that especially in ARGs, that should be possible. What if that

> process of discovery was utilized as a game mechanic itself?


If video games studios were able to make tutorials fun and/or an integral
part of games (I'm thinking of the original Halo and Half-Life here), I
believe it should be possible to do the same. The latest example of in-game
tutorials for an ARG would be SmokeScreen's system, that would hold players'
hands from one step to another. Anything else come to mind ?

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