[arg_discuss] Suggestions on a practicum introduction to ARGs (or ubiquitous storytelling)

Christopher Amherst camherst at gmail.com
Tue Nov 10 12:36:30 EST 2009

Last March, I moderated a panel that discussed similarities and
differences between ARGs and other art/game forms.
(Which I'm take suggestions on how to improve, generalize, or update)

I'm considering crafting a more hands-on and practical approach to
pervasive design experience.
As such, I'm wondering:
What suggestions or guidelines would people recommend for developing
such a workshop?

Minor caveat:
My expectations on the audience is that simple -
They are all well-versed in telling interactive stories as well as
narrative / character development.

The focus will be on techniques and methods that integrate that
activity into real world / real time.


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