[arg_discuss] ARGFest-O-Con 2009!

Brooke Thompson brooke at mirlandano.com
Wed Jun 3 18:31:28 EDT 2009

I noticed Dee's call for submissions for the tribute to Dave
Szulborski and figured that I'd throw out some details for ARGFest for
any of you that might not know about it and, also, urge you guys to
register :)

This year's ARGFest is going to be in Portland, OR the weekend of July

If you haven't been to ARGFest before, you really should go! It's a
casual and small conference which makes for a great opportunity to get
to know people. Plus it's community organized (by Unfiction & ARGN)
and tends to draw both players & designers which creates a really fun
dynamic. It starts on Friday night with a cocktail party. On Saturday
there are a handful of panels and speakers followed by a FestQuest
(traditionally a puzzly scavenger hunt) and then dinner. Sunday is
open to whatever, but folks usually gather for a "straggler's supper"
and go off sightseeing or play games and such in smaller groups.

The base of operations this year will be at the Courtyard Marriott.
Details on this can be found on the ARGFest website, but they've given
us a decent, but limited, discount on the rooms - so, if you're
planning on going, I'd suggest booking your hotel room sooner rather
than later.

Panels & speakers are still being finalized (if you have any requests,
ping me off list asap), but Brian Clark is going to be the Grand
Inquisitor this year. Past keynotes have been given by Jane McGonigal,
Elan Lee & Sean Stewart, and Dave Szulborski.

If you or your company are interesting in sponsorship opportunities,
now would be a great time to get in touch with the organizers! There
are details for that on the website. Also, if you are wanting to
distribute any materials or hold any sort of events or throw out any
sort of clues for a game... you need to get in touch with the
organizers as soon as you can (trust us! we've been there before and
we're good at keeping secrets :))

For more information check out the ARGFest website: http://www.argfestocon.com
To sponsor: http://www.argfestocon.com/sponsors/
To register: http://www.argfestocon.com/signup/
For hotel info: http://www.argfestocon.com/location/booking/

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