[arg_discuss] Dave Szulborski (Vlad Alex)

Vladimir Alexeev vladiweb at googlemail.com
Fri Apr 24 10:26:50 EDT 2009

I never met Dave in real life, but I read his books. After the reading I had
a feeling, I had great conversations with him...
His style was amazing and his knowledge awesome.

My deep sympathies to his family...

If I can something do or help, I'll be glad to do it.

I had a weird idea, perhaps if there are some your blog entries like "Ad
memoriam Dave Szulborski" (memories, thoughts and storys about Dave) we
could make a compilation of all these blog entries, like we folded the
cranes and sent to him last year. I don't know, on which plattform we could
do it (I opened a thread in facebook (
http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=2230732218&topic=9358), but I fear,
facebook isn't a best way to save the memories about Dave for ever and for
everybody webwide)...

Here is my contribution in German.

I cannot still believe he's gone...

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