[arg_discuss] temporary wave

Christy Dena cdena at cross-mediaentertainment.com
Fri Jun 27 11:41:04 EDT 2008

Oh my. I cannot believe I did this. Two weeks ago I jumped on a plane
and went to the tropics (well, north Australia). I'm here, in the
tropics with no books, just my laptop and a short dial-up connection
time each day. I did this as a self-imposed exile to get some much
needed writing done. And, well, I've ended up being distracted by the
interesting thoughts being shared here. I need to get some work done
and find it easier to be sweetly oblivious to what conversations are
going on, rather than ignoring them. So, I'll be signing of this list
for a while. I'll jump back in for the ARGology launch to share the
excitement though.

I know people come and go on this list all the time, but I've been
active in a few conversations and didn't want people to think I was
ignoring them if they responded. Please feel free to email me directly
if you think there is something I'd appreciate knowing.

Have fun ARG SIGers! I look forward to seeing whatever great stuff you
come up with and release publicly in the future. :)


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