[arg_discuss] Next IRC Chat: Aug. 17

Andrea Phillips andrhia at gmail.com
Tue Jul 29 11:55:36 EDT 2008

Hi, boys and girls! It's been a long time since we had a talk, hasn't
it? So let's get back on the IRC bandwagon, shall we?

I'm unilaterally calling for a SIG IRC chat on Sunday August 17, 2008
at 6pm EST (U.S.), 3pm PST, 11pm BST, 8am Monday morning EST
(Australia). Mark your calendars!

Do let me know if I've embarrassingly picked a date that conflicts
with some big conference everyone will be attending or some similar
thing. If there's enough displeasure at my arbitrary date, I'm happy
to reschedule.

If you have items you'd like to see on the agenda, please let me know!
Right now I've got nothin'.


For those of us who may not be familiar with IRC, you first need to
download a client such as mIRC for Windows (http://www.mirc.org/) or
Colloquy for OSX (http://colloquy.info/downloads.html).

When you have it downloaded and installed, you will need to connect to
a server. Ours is irc.chat-solutions.org. The port you will need is
the default, 6667. Once you have a connection to the server, you need
to join the SIG chat channel, which is #arg_sig

You may also use the Unfiction applet here: http://www.unfiction.com/chat/

Just make sure to input #arg_sig into the channel field, plus your name & etc.

If you've never used IRC before and you're a little worried, I'd
encourage you to try it out ahead of time, it won't hurt anything. :)
And feel free to email me if you're having trouble getting everything
all set up.

As always if you have anything you'd like to add to the agenda, or any
other questions or comments, please post or email. Hope to see you all

Andrea Phillips
Words * Culture * Interaction

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