[arg_discuss] Personal Influences/Antecedents

Brooke Thompson brooke at mirlandano.com
Tue Jan 29 22:45:16 EST 2008

Well primetime soaps are different and not only because of the budget. Sure,
they need to balance complex storylines but, because they're weekly, they
don't have as much time to have to fill which changes the way they have to
tell them. In some ways it's a more difficult job but in others it's easier.

>From a production standpoint, I've drawn more from the daily nature of the

daytime soaps than from the weekly shows. I get things like focusing the
same subplots on a somewhat regular schedule knowing that people have
patterns in their life that the weekly shows don't have to deal with (people
either tune on Monday night or they don't and focusing things on the first
Monday of the month isn't really as feasable).


> Nah, don't be embarrassed. Shows like Heroes or Lost are just soap

> operas with beefed-up budgets!


> (I grew up on All My Children and General Hospital, c. Luke and Laura.)

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