[arg_discuss] is ARG just a marketing technique to the press?

Brooke Thompson brooke at mirlandano.com
Tue Jan 1 10:38:22 EST 2008

> One potential solution is to structure an ARG like a television series

> -- not just seasons, like Clark is doing with EE, but episodes as

> well. Short, repeatable "episodes" that allow players to get involved

> while having more control over how and when. There are many potential

> solutions most of which break the traditional model of an ARG, but I

> believe you have to solve that problem before you can rely on micro-

> transactions to provide anything close to real financial support for a

> game.


Absolutely. Like you said, there are a number of ways to go about doing
this. I'm a huge fan of repeatable activities (things the missions in sf0 or
the small favors in Last Call Poker) which can enhance the narrative and
provide a bit of competition and/or structure for completionists along with
a way to get involved casually all while only taking a couple hours of time
at most. It's a bit lighter than episodes which may make it easier to
incorporate in some designs though, at the same time, they don't provide
that feeling of story building & exploration that repeatable episodes may -
the candy that leads to the crack?

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