[arg_discuss] Interactive story-telling via podcast

Michael Monello mmonello at campfirenyc.com
Fri Feb 22 12:16:05 EST 2008

On Feb 21, 2008, at 9:14 PM, Colin McNee wrote:

> More interesting is the possibility for the player/viewer to become

> like a ghost in the machine. Imagine a scene in a bar, the

> protagonist enters and someone else exits. The player/viewer pauses

> the video and pokes a surveillance camera. They enter the camera and

> rewind the tape to see when and with whom the second person entered

> the bar.


> I foresee such a thing being able to facilitate the "Hey! What the

> hell was that!?!" Feeling that is so exhilarating. Did anyone else

> pause the dvd during Locke's blast-door scene? Now imagine that you

> could interact with that map and solve the puzzle it represented

> without having to go to your computer

Quicktime has had the ability to embed links both to web as well as
other QT video files for years. Back in 1999, just after Blair Witch
hit, we went to Apple and got a demo of all these "hidden" features in
quicktime. They had built simple games as well as much more
interactive pieces to demonstrate the QT platform. I'm not a
developer, so I have no idea why it never took off, but I'm guessing
the lack of documentation and developer tools had something to do with

You can see a very simple music video of it in action here: http://www.whoismgmt.com/vids.html

WARNING: The colors and design of MGMTs site will burn you eyes!
Scroll to the bottom and download the "Electric Feel Interactive Video"

They are using a "button" interface for the video stream, but you
could do that with hotpoints (i.e. click on a security camera as well)
within the frame.

It's a big download, because you basically have 5 video streams
running simultaneously.


Michael Monello
62 White Street, 3W
New York, NY 10013

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