[arg_discuss] congrats Campfire!

Mike Monello mmonello at campfirenyc.com
Thu Aug 14 15:09:43 EDT 2008

Thanks, Christy. It's been an interesting project, to say the least, and we learned a lot from it. I hope to be on the IRC chat Sunday and maybe I can share some of that.

Most fascinating, to me, has been the reaction of the hardcore ARG community to something that looked like an ARG but lacked many "core" aspects of one. For example, TB asked the audience to do more role play and social engineering rather than puzzle solving. While those who have played previous ARGs seemed to hate it, people new to this kind of experience took to it like wildfire -- the community was extremely active and it pushed into the "mainstream" in ways that our previous more traditional ARG-like projects did not.

Anyhow, I'll try and make the chat on Sunday, I'd love to have some god discussion on everything that's been flying around the list the past month!



On 8/11/08 11:54 PM, "Christy Dena" <cdena at cross-mediaentertainment.com> wrote:

"Expanding the universe of an existing property, whether a film or TV show,
further through deeper stories involving marginal characters is not a new
type of storytelling, witness the cottage industry of Star Wars and Star
Trek literature. But True Blood's is an exceptional case in that the
peripheral mythology has been written by an agency. The success of
Campfire's latest creation is obviously based on the storytelling prowess of
Cain and Hale, along with the agency's respect for the overall artistic
integrity of the show."

=behind_the_work> &newsId=130134&sectionName=behind_the_work

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