[arg_discuss] ARG Museum?

David Fono fono at dgp.toronto.edu
Wed Oct 10 07:30:29 EDT 2007

Hi folks,

I'm currently assembling material for a workshop that focuses heavily
on ARGs, and part of what I'm looking for are audio/visual materials
that represent moments of great significance in ARG history. So, for
example, the Halo 2 trailer with the ILB link in it; Jeanine Salla's
credit listing; videos/photos from Graveyard Games, Perplex City
events, etc.

Some of this stuff is available in various guides and player-created
resources, but quite a bit isn't. Even when it is, it's difficult to
assemble resources from a multiplicity of far-flung trails, wikis and
forums. The "museum" link on Arghive is tantalizing but unfortunately
seems to be indefinitely under construction. :(

So the question is, does anybody know of any such "museum" of audio/
visual artifacts?

If not, do you think it's worth putting one together? I think that
such a resource would be very useful for people trying to sell or
educate -- we all know how well audiences respond to pretty pictures
and sounds. I plan to amass a significant collection through my
current work, so I'd be happy to get the ball rolling by putting it
all online.


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