[arg_discuss] ARGs & relational aesthetics

James Wallis james at erstwhile.demon.co.uk
Fri Mar 30 12:27:40 EDT 2007

One pre-ARG promotional website that did a brilliant job of "getting it"
and drawing people into its world, and that didn't receive nearly enough
love for it, was the one for Galaxy Quest. It appeared to be a 30something
media fanboy's tribute webpage to the Galaxy Quest TV show, including
episode breakdowns, "lost" scripts, screenshots, big fonts, cheap tiled
background, no sense of graphic design whatsoever, and over-use of
blink-tags. Genius. All that was missing was a Geocities URL.

There's a later post-movie release version of it here:

James Wallis
james at erstwhile.demon.co.uk
Tel (+44) 0776 016 5449
Gamesblog: www.spaaace.com/cope

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